The Journal

Lucie Cervinkova Lucie Cervinkova

Why practice yoga?

What are some of the benefits of Yoga? Read the blog post to find out more.

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Lucie Cervinkova Lucie Cervinkova

Ceremonial cacao

Ceremonial cacao is unlike the normal cacao you would find in the supermarket. It is much less processed as it does not go through the many steps that cacao powder or dark chocolate go through

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Lucie Cervinkova Lucie Cervinkova

What is a Women’s Circle?

“Circles with a sacred centre are ancient, the oldest form of social interaction. The fire was in the centre as the people gathered around to cook and eat their food, hear stories, worship their gods and goddesses and to pass down their traditions and wisdom that kept them alive and healthy.” - Millionth Circle

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Lucie Cervinkova Lucie Cervinkova

Full MOON in virgo

On March 18th, 2022 at 7:17AM GMT, the Worm Full Moon in Virgo will appear.

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