Do you want to connect to like-minded women?

Do you want to connect to your higher self?

Are you looking for a space to feel seen, heard and honoured?

Do you struggle to find time to ground yourself in the present moment?

Do you wish to become more spiritually connected?

Are you ready to reclaim your life energy?

If you said yes to any of the above, I invite you to join The Women’s Circle. 

The women’s Circle is a sanctuary where we come together in sisterhood to feel seen, heard and empowered.

The Women’s Circle is a sacred space where each month we gather as women. In the circle we drop our armour and rise alongside other powerful women. It is our sanctuary where we honour ourselves and each other. The circle is a safe space to receive healing, connection and love. It is a realm where we embody our highest selves. 

The Women’s Circle is unlike anything you have seen before, through gathering with other powerful women with the same high vibrational energy we create a super-charged environment where so much magic happens! 

Through meditation, movement, journaling and sharing we ground into the present moment.

Some examples of The Women’s Circle practises:

  • Going inward and connecting to our inner being through meditation.

  • Learning about ourselves through journaling.

  • Free expression to allow non-judgemental communication.

  • Working with divine feminine goddesses to connect to our highest self.

  • Practising gratitude to raise our vibration.

  • Using the lunar cycle to navigate and succeed in life.

  • Practising ancient rituals to honour those that have come before us.



The Women’s Circle runs monthly around the time of the new moon at BA Yoga Studio in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire.

If you feel the calling to join us, please click here

Come and claim your seat: The women’s Circle awaits.