What is a Women’s Circle?

“Circles with a sacred centre are ancient, the oldest form of social interaction. The fire was in the centre as the people gathered around to cook and eat their food, hear stories, worship their gods and goddesses and to pass down their traditions and wisdom that kept them alive and healthy.” - Millionth Circle

History of Circles

Women in Dressed holding hands

Evidence of circle gatherings go back so far into our human history that is can be hard to point out where exactly they originated. Many circle traditions were found amongst religions such as early Christianity, the Celts and Candomble, just to name a few.

For a long time Indigenous people around the world have and continue to gather in circles to share their religion, traditions, culture, wisdom, rituals and ceremonies. Not only this but a central part of the circle is to honour and respect Mother Nature. To acknowledge all that she provides for us.

Throughout history many women circles were banned due to the belief that any pagan activities were seen as evil by Christian, Judaism and Islamic religions. The Millionth Circle explains that “In 1484 Malleus Maleficarum the Hammer of Witches publication by two German Dominican monks began the systematic destruction of women’s spiritual practices and health care by torturing and murdering women healers and spiritual leaders.” Men in power began to fear Women Circle’s.

Modern Day Women Circles

We have come a long way since the oppressions of women spiritual practices and many women are now recognising the importance of Women Circle’s. To gather in sisterhood is like no other feeling. To truly feel seen, heard and supported by other women is magical and many women are starting to remember this. No amount of oppression can stop this true divine feminine connection.

Modern day Women Circle’s may not look the same as they have throughout history but they carry the same amount of wisdom and connection. Unless specifically tailored to a religion, many of these gatherings are not religious and can be joined by any woman that feels the calling.

What happens during a Women’s Circle?

woman walking in rock circle

Women Circles will have a similar basic structure but may have very different themes they choose to focus on.

Basic Structure of a Women’s Circle:

  • Opening - this may include cleansing the space with sage or palo santo, lighting a candle, everyone introducing themselves or discussing the theme of the circle.

  • Meditation - whether guided by a member or sitting in silence, this is a vital part of the circle that allows everyone to go inwards and centre themselves and also connect to the energy in the room.

  • Sharing - this is the part of the circle that can become very diverse as many circles focus on different themes. Some circles gather to celebrate their religion, some to journal, some gather during their menstrual cycles (these are called red tents), some to connect to the lunar cycle (New Moon or Full Moon) and others may just come together to share their feelings to other women to feel seen. Although each circle will look very different, many use a Native American tool called the “talking stick” to encourage deep listening. Whoever holds the “talking stick” speaks from their heart and everyone else listens without judgement.

  • Closing - here some may want to do a little meditation that may include a blessing towards themselves, the other women in the circle and to the universe. It is vital that during the closing of the circle you gently come back to the space and try to bathe in the potent energy of the circle for as long as you can. To encourage this, some circles ask for participants to leave the space in silence.

The No.1 Rule in a Women’s Circle

There are no specific rules or codes of conduct that must be followed within these gatherings but out of respect for the other women amongst you there may be a rule about the sharing of information beyond the circle. In any Women Circle there should be a space for open communication. Everyone should feel safe to speak freely and therefore the participants are asked to not share anything that has been said to the outside world, unless given permission. This also applies to the sharing of information amongst participants when they are not in the circle. In my women circle we have a saying: “What is said in The Goddess Circle, stays in The Goddess Circle”.

So what is The Goddess Circle by Co-Exist Collective?

The goddess circle is a sanctuary where we come together in sisterhood to feel seen, heard and empowered.

The Goddess Circle is a sacred space where each month we gather as women. In the circle we drop our armour and rise alongside other powerful women. It is our sanctuary where we honour ourselves and each other. The circle is a safe space to receive healing, connection and love. It is a realm where we embody our highest selves. 

The Goddess Circle is unlike anything you have seen before, through gathering with other powerful women with the same high vibrational energy we create a super-charged environment where so much magic happens! 

Through meditation, movement, journaling and sharing we ground into the present moment.

Women Circle’s are truly magical. If you would like to come experience this magic for yourself then please click on the button above and I invite you to come join The Goddess Circle.

With love,


(founder of The Goddess Circle)


Ceremonial cacao


Full MOON in virgo